Arc Custom CNC Machining Services

Fax: 603-622-8046
Custom CNC Machining Services
Plastic CNC Machining

Precision Aluminum Machining

Stainless Steel Machining

VMC / CNC Machining Centers

CNC Turning Centers
In House Heat Treating
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ARC Machining Sitemap

Custom CNC Machining

Plastic CNC Machining
A.R.C. Maintenance Machining. has been providing Plastic CNC Machining services for the aerospace, food, medical, paper, wire and other industries like yours. If you need Custom Plastic CNC Machining you have come to the right place because this is where we excel.

Precision Aluminum Machining
CNC Machining and Precision Aluminum Machining, fabrication, and assembly, we have the capability of using other materials suchc as Aluminium.

Stainless Steel Machining
Our success Machining Stainless Steel to meet the growing needs of our customers is due to the quality craftsmanship that is exhibited daily by our experience Stainless Steel Machining Team.

Facilities List
We have been manufacturing Stainless Steel Components for over 10 years servicing the Food Industry with the following products; Stainless steel machined food slicers, Stainless steel machined food grinders and other Stainless steel high production food equipment.

VMC/CNC Machining Centers

9 x 48 Prototrac MX2 / 2 axis CNC ( Bridgeport base )
9 x 48 Supermax ( Manual / Bridgeport Style )
20.5 x 16 x 17 Fadal VMC 15 / CNC Machining Center
9 x 28 x 24 Prototrac Series II Bridgeport
29.5 x 16 x 17 Fadal VMC 10XT
40 x 20 x 20 Yang VMC Eagle 1000
EDM Capability

Sawing - Drilling
12.0” Diameter Cutoff Saw
36” Grob Bandsaw
10” Cold Saw
8 x 24 Do all Surface Grinder
36 x 48 Cincinnati Radial Arm Drill

CNC Turning Centers

17 x 48 Prototrac LX2 / CNC ( Metric /English Threading )
20 x 78 Monarch ( Manual / English Threading )
20 x 96 Harrison
10 x 36 Supermax CNC Turning Center

In House Heat Treating

Any tool steel item that can fit in our Lucifer Furnace
12 x 12 x 12

Stick / TIG / MIG
Gas Brazing
Plasma Cutting

Request for Quote
While some of our services are Regional in nature, we also provide production custom aluminum and custom stainless steel machining on projects. From simple to complex jobs, we provide quality and reliability.


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